Interactive Plaything Party Gift
ZOOM PLAY!誕生日セット
ZOOM PLAY!誕生日セット
Interaction, Papergift
This is a gift of an interactive party set that uses ZOOM virtual background to celebrate a birthday party with paper tools. I wanted to enrich the fun of online birthday parties, so I designed a variety of ways to play. You can celebrate and play party games online with your friends. You can share the long-distance fun with your best friend through this gift set, so that not only they can enjoy the fun, but you can also enjoy the fun at home.
Interaction, Papergift
この作品ては、ZOOM のバーチャル背景を用いて、紙の道具で誕生日会のお祝いをするインタラクティブなパーティーセットのギフトである。 オンライン誕生日会の面白さをもっと豊かにしたいと思っているので、色んな遊び方をデザインした。友達と一緒にオンラインでお祝いやパーティーゲームをできる。遠距離の楽しさをこのギフトセットを通じて親友にシェアすることで、相手だけでなく自分も自宅で楽しさを味わうことができる。
This is a gift of an interactive party set that uses ZOOM virtual background to celebrate a birthday party with paper tools. I wanted to enrich the fun of online birthday parties, so I designed a variety of ways to play. You can celebrate and play party games online with your friends. You can share the long-distance fun with your best friend through this gift set, so that not only they can enjoy the fun, but you can also enjoy the fun at home.